Micro stress splitting machine XJVC-2E

  • Detail

Characteristics of XJVC-2E micro stress divider:

1. Adopting the latest pneumatic lightweight design, it can complete the cutting stroke without shear stress in one go, especially suitable for cutting precision SMD or thin plates;

2. Bow waves (BOWWAVES) and microcracks (MICROCRACK) generated during plate splitting without a circular blade, using a wedge-shaped tool for linear plate splitting and shearing

The stress is minimized to ensure that sensitive SMD components, even capacitors, are not affected, and the potential quality risk of the product is minimized;

3. The cutting stroke is less than 1MM, without any operational safety concerns. The cutting tool is made of high-speed steel precision grinding, which can be reused for grinding;

4. The cutting rate is 1 second/1 division, controlled by a foot pedal pneumatic switch;

5. The cutting blade group is passively activated, which can safely grasp the cutting line and position; Low cutting stress, less prone to cracking;

6. Non roller (straight blade) cutting, no dust phenomenon, no motor drive, no carbon powder pollution;

7. Non friction cutting, no tool metal residue;

8. Can design/customize knife specifications according to customer products;

9. Can be customized for longer lengths.

Technical parameters of micro stress divider XJVC-2E:
Splitting length (mm) 330MM or 500MM (customizable according to customer requirements)
Working air pressure (MPa) 0.50-0.70 (dry air source)
Plate thickness (mm) 0.6~~3.5
Machine weight (kg) 130
Operating voltage (V) 220 VAC
Overall dimensions (mm) 750×500×600

Microstress Splitter XJVC-2E Video:

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