Stress tester XJ-YL

  • Detail

Characteristics of stress tester XJ-YL:

1. Miniaturized and low-priced precision measuring instruments.

2. Portable, modular expansion.

3. The structure is simple, and measurement is controlled by a computer.

4. Easy to operate, one click automatic report generation and batch export of reports.

5. The language supports both Chinese and English versions.

6. Simultaneously display the maximum/minimum principal strain, diagonal strain, strain rate, etc. of strain values.

The stress tester XJ-YL e-Strain comes standard with acquisition and analysis software:

1. Strain parameter settings, independent parameter settings for each channel, including resistance value, strain pattern, sensitivity coefficient, etc., and can be guaranteed.

2. Save parameter templates and call them at any time.

3. Configure multiple schemes, scan barcodes, and call the configuration scheme for collection at any time.

4. The AUTO automatic recognition function allows beginners to conduct measurements with simple training.

5. Multi channel real-time synchronous signal measurement, display, and analysis.

6. Optional CSV format and BMK binary format, making it convenient for later processing of diversified report formats.

Stress tester XJ-YL report function:

1. Record the original waveform and replay the results in the form of a database.

2. Export the test results to PDF or Excel format.

3. One click automatic generation, professional PCB strain test report.

4. According to IPC-9704A, whether the standard analysis meets the requirements is automatically determined as Pass or Fail.

5. Batch import of multiple data to generate reports (greatly improving the efficiency of reporting).

Technical parameters of stress tester XJ-YL:


Detection channel

Maximum Scalable Channel

Support resistance OHM













Support channel 8/16/24/32/40/48/56/64 channel strain signal input
Number of channels per module 8 analog input channels
Maximum sampling rate 2KHZ/channel, high-speed synchronous acquisition
Support strain gauge types 120 Ω, 1/4 bridge
AD converter 24 bit
Accuracy error ± 0.5% (under conventional measurement conditions of 25 ℃ ± 5 ℃)
filter Anti aliasing filtering
digital filter  User defined high pass/low pass/bandpass/bandstop filtering
stability Temperature drift gain less than 6ppm
Full range range ± 20000ue
Nonlinear 3.5062nV/V/LSB
stability Gain drift 6ppm/℃
Overvoltage protection between terminals ± 30V
Chassis interface type USB2.0
Power supply 11 to 30VDC, 220VAC
Strain gauge connection method Junction box card terminal or D-Sub25 pin connector
Protection level IP 40
weight About 3.5KG
Working temperature -40 ℃~70 ℃ Working humidity: 10%~90% RH
Storage temperature: -40 ℃~85 ℃ Storage humidity: 5%~90% RH

Stress tester XJ-YL video:


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